2. Single earthquake example (for multiple receiver observations)

Example of shear-wave splitting applied to an icequake from Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica.

The event is an icequake from Hudson et al. (2020).

Hudson, T.S., Brisbourne, A.M., Walter, F., Graff, D., & White, R. S. (2020). Icequake source mechanisms for studying glacial sliding. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JF005627

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import swspy
import obspy
from obspy import UTCDateTime
import numpy as np
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook

2.1. 1. Load data for event:

Data can be from an archive of continuous seismic data, or from a mseed file containing only data for the event.

# Load data:
archive_vs_file = "file"
mseed_file_path = "data/20090121042009180_ice_flow_dir_corrected.m"
nonlinloc_event_path = "data/loc.Tom__RunNLLoc000.20090121.042009.grid0.loc.hyp"
starttime = UTCDateTime("20090121T042009.18523") - 0.5
endtime = UTCDateTime("20090121T042009.18523") + 2.5
load_wfs_obj = swspy.io.load_waveforms(mseed_file_path, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, archive_vs_file=archive_vs_file)
load_wfs_obj.filter = True
load_wfs_obj.filter_freq_min_max = [1.0, 80.0]
st = load_wfs_obj.read_waveform_data()

2.2. 2. Calculate splitting:

Note: Here, event information such as S arrival time, ray back-azimuth and ray inclination are taken automatically from a nonlinloc event file (see other examples for manual passing of these parameters).

# Calculate splitting:
splitting_event = swspy.splitting.create_splitting_object(st, nonlinloc_event_path=nonlinloc_event_path) #(st, nonlinloc_event_path) #(st.select(station="ST01"), nonlinloc_event_path)
splitting_event.overall_win_start_pre_fast_S_pick = 0.3
splitting_event.win_S_pick_tolerance = 0.1
splitting_event.overall_win_start_post_fast_S_pick = 0.2
splitting_event.rotate_step_deg = 2.0
splitting_event.max_t_shift_s = 0.1
splitting_event.n_win = 10
splitting_event.perform_sws_analysis(coord_system="ZNE", sws_method="EV")

No S phase pick for station: ST08 therefore skipping this station.
No S phase pick for station: ST06 therefore skipping this station.
No S phase pick for station: ST10 therefore skipping this station.
No S phase pick for station: ST09 therefore skipping this station.
No S phase pick for station: ST07 therefore skipping this station.
station phi_from_Q phi_from_N phi_from_U phi_err dt dt_err src_pol_from_N src_pol_from_U src_pol_from_N_err src_pol_from_U_err Q_w lambda2/lambda1 ratio ray_back_azi ray_inc
0 ST05 26.0 74.57 90.0 11.0 0.004 0.003 154.197600 89.946359 17.214782 10.537896 NaN 0.055499 48.57 141.8
0 ST04 -48.0 54.07 90.0 3.0 0.044 0.001 165.368197 90.444536 6.430684 3.923207 NaN 0.033150 282.07 163.9
0 ST02 38.0 67.53 90.0 3.0 0.042 0.018 163.575889 90.504097 6.436617 2.740569 NaN 0.034949 29.53 160.6
0 ST03 -82.0 -87.53 90.0 6.0 0.020 0.001 26.199288 95.881281 12.880766 23.807806 NaN 0.068566 354.47 144.4
0 ST01 -60.0 48.74 90.0 5.0 0.048 0.002 168.369942 88.213619 9.483751 6.103969 NaN 0.052323 108.74 156.5

2.3. 3. Plot result:

/Users/eart0504/Documents/python/github_repositories/swspy/swspy/splitting/split.py:1907: UserWarning: constrained_layout not applied.  At least one axes collapsed to zero width or height.
  plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, ''.join((self.event_uid, "_", station, ".png"))), dpi=300)
/Users/eart0504/Documents/python/github_repositories/swspy/swspy/splitting/split.py:1907: UserWarning: constrained_layout not applied.  At least one axes collapsed to zero width or height.
  plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, ''.join((self.event_uid, "_", station, ".png"))), dpi=300)
No S phase pick for station: ST08 therefore skipping this station.
Skipping waveform correction for station: ST08
No S phase pick for station: ST06 therefore skipping this station.
Skipping waveform correction for station: ST06
No S phase pick for station: ST10 therefore skipping this station.
Skipping waveform correction for station: ST10
/Users/eart0504/Documents/python/github_repositories/swspy/swspy/splitting/split.py:1907: UserWarning: constrained_layout not applied.  At least one axes collapsed to zero width or height.
  plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, ''.join((self.event_uid, "_", station, ".png"))), dpi=300)
/Users/eart0504/Documents/python/github_repositories/swspy/swspy/splitting/split.py:1907: UserWarning: constrained_layout not applied.  At least one axes collapsed to zero width or height.
  plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, ''.join((self.event_uid, "_", station, ".png"))), dpi=300)
/Users/eart0504/Documents/python/github_repositories/swspy/swspy/splitting/split.py:1907: UserWarning: constrained_layout not applied.  At least one axes collapsed to zero width or height.
  plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, ''.join((self.event_uid, "_", station, ".png"))), dpi=300)
No S phase pick for station: ST09 therefore skipping this station.
Skipping waveform correction for station: ST09
No S phase pick for station: ST07 therefore skipping this station.
Skipping waveform correction for station: ST07

2.4. 4. Save result:

# And save result to file:

Saved sws result to: /Users/eart0504/Documents/python/github_repositories/swspy/docs/source/tutorials/single_event_example/20090121042009_sws_result.csv
[ ]: